Sunday, May 24, 2009

Six More Days....


Click on above image for more information, including driving directions.

This is going to be one rockin' yard sale. We have an almost brand new pressure washer, a gas grill, lots of furniture (including a kitchen table, a chest of drawers, and lots of chairs), a dehumidifier, some stereo equipment, a really nice food processor, a crib and a bassinet, two weed eaters, a couple printers, a great stroller and other baby stuff, a rocking chair, and lots of clothes, toys, and housewares. I could go on and on. Oh and a TiVo that includes two months free subscription!

But that's only the beginning. We will also be serving hot Gobena coffee in the morning, and yummy lemonade once the weather heats up. And there will be lots of baked goods - cookies, brownies, muffins, and 18 loaves of my mom's homemade sourdough bread. Come early before it's gone! Her bread rivals the Amish. Seriously.

There's one more exciting thing that's not included on the poster. We are offering DISCOUNT GO. SEEK. LOVE. T-SHIRTS on the day of the yard sale. All adult T-shirts will be $15 each, kids' T-shirts will be $10 each, onesies will be $8, and note cards will be $5/pack of 8. If we don't have what you need in stock, you can order it that day at the discount price, and we will deliver it to you a.s.a.p.

So remember, rain or shine, the yard sale starts at 7 am this Saturday. See you there!

P.S. We are still accepting donations, and we have a truck for pickup. Just email us at family @ duboisadoption . com (without spaces) if you have anything you would like to donate. Thank you!


Brad Blackman said...

Hope is looking forward to it. I won't be there (will be at HealthCampNash all day; it's at Lipscomb.) I hope it goes well!


Angela said...

Sarah I may have to pre-buy that chest of drawers. I need one for the boys room. Hope to talk to you soon! Still having some trouble with ears around here.
Love ya!