Madeline is going to have tubes put in her ears this Tuesday. The poor baby has had a double ear infection for a month and a half now. She has been on four different oral antibiotics, plus she's had four shots of Rocephin, and the crazy persistent infections still will not go away. We have been to see her pediatrician nine times, and now the ear doctor at Vanderbilt once. We are all ready to put this behind us. I feel relieved that she is going to have tubes.
Can you believe that when I called to make the appointment with the ear doc at Vanderbilt, I was told that the first available appointment was in November?! I am not one who usually cuts line. I don't deserve any extra privileges that others don't have. But when it comes to the health of my child, I am willing to shamelessly pull any strings that I can pull. I thank God (and my dad) that we only had to wait a week for our appointment instead of five months.
A week and a half ago, Madeline and I spent the weekend with my pregnant sis in Georgia. She had two baby showers, and we got to be there for both.
Doesn't she look cute? Less than three months to go!
Madeline, me, Rachel's MIL Sandra, mom, and Rachel
Itty bitty bathing suits are oh so cute!
Dad, Mom, and Rachel at their church shower
We were only home for a day and a half before leaving again. I do love to be on the road! Last week we went to visit Daniel's family in Kentucky and spent one night with them. Then Daniel and I left Madeline with his parents and left for TWO WHOLE NIGHTS BY OURSELVES! Our anniversary is this week, and Daniel's parents sponsored a little get-away for us. Oh, it was wonderful to spend time with my best bud with no interruptions. I love my little M with all my heart, but I have missed the carefree time that Daniel and I used to regularly spend together so much. Thank you, Paul and Suzie, for letting us have a much-needed break!
We went to the Shaker Village in Pleasant Hill, Kentucky. It is a beautiful place in a peaceful setting. We got toured the village, ate dinner at the inn restaurant, and enjoyed a great hike. We spent hours and hours talking. What a blessing!
Here we are in front of the building that we stayed in
Petting a cow (While we were there we saw an owl and a deer in addition to all of the farm animals that they have on the premises. Cool!)
And to wrap things up, here is a picture of Madeline enjoying her chocolate chip pancakes at lunch today. I think she likes chocolate as much as her mama does.
So fun!
Rachel looks great! I love that last picture of Madeline!
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